Jesus is Inviting You: "Come to me" Jesus is inviting you to come into a relationship with Himself. Jesus is telling you "Come to me...and I will give you rest." This is a promise by God, for only God can make a such a promise. If you come to Him, then He will give you rest. Coming to Jesus means entering into His presence. Walking up to Him in your mind and heart with all that you are and with all that you have done, and talking and sharing with Him all that your heart holds. You might be thinking, "Oh, I can't do that...with all that I am...." But Jesus wants you just the way you are. Jesus doesn't put any restrictions on His invitation, except that He wants you to come. Jesus says directly "Come". And He attaches a promise to it. That If you come, He will give you rest." The only condition to that promise is that you must come to Him in order for Him to fulfill His promise.

dinsdag 7 juni 2011




"Freely you have received ~ Freely give"

Revelation 22:17
17The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.

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Grace Applied:
The conversation at the well has imparted at least 5 priceless gifts to this woman’s soul.

Value: Jesus is the one who seeks her out.
Though a woman and a Samaritan, and in spite of her sin and shame, Jesus addresses her.
Note too that the depth of the conversation speaks value into her.

Salvation: Jesus offers her living water which satisfies the thirsty soul into eternity.

Forgiveness: Jesus helps her to acknowledge her sin. Brought into the open, she is relieved of its burden.

Spiritual insight: He opens her eyes so that she can proclaim, “Could this be the Messiah?” as she points her community to him.

Honour: she is his chosen vehicle through which the townsfolk would come to believe in him.
Bestowed with this honour, it’s hard to imagine that she doesn’t gain a new status in the wake of his visit.

Applying the story today
Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well poured grace into her life which overflowed into the life of her community. The same things which Jesus bestowed on her are timeless graces, given freely to whoever will receive them. They rightfully belong to God’s children, yet they often slip through our grasp.

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Here are a few questions for reflection and Bible verses which relate to each of these gifts.
If you find that you have difficulty in living out these graces in your life, reflect upon the Scriptural truths and ask God to help you to embrace them by faith.
You may also find strength in sharing your reflections with a spiritual friend or mentor.

Value: Am I secure in my knowledge that I am valued as one made in God’s image, addressed by him, and precious to him? (Romans 5:6-11, 1John3:1-3, Eph 1:3-6)

Salvation: Am I drinking—deeply and consistently–from the living water which Jesus gives, allowing it to well up in me and to flow from me? (John 7:37-39, Isaiah 55:1-3, Isaiah 58:9-11)

Forgiveness: Do I bring my sins into the open, being truthful with myself and with God, so that they can be forgiven and their burden removed? (Psam 32:1-5, Isaiah 43:24-25, Luke 7:44-50)

Spiritual insight: Do I seek to know God ever more deeply, aware that the depths of his being are knowable and yet ever beyond my mastery? (Col 2:2-3, Phil 3:10, Romans 11:33-35)

Honour: Without seeking my own honour, am I faithful to reflect Christ to the world around me, compelled by his love, glory and praise? (Mt 5:13-16, Rev 4:10-11)

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Peace like a River

Peace like a river
Love like a mountain
The wind of Your Spirit
Is blowing everywhere
Joy like a fountain
Healing spring of life
Come, Holy Spirit
Let Your fire fall

Let your living water flow

Let Your living water flow over my soul
Let Your Holy Spirit come and take control
Of every situation that has troubled my mind
All my cares and burdens on to You I roll

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Father, Father, Father
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit

Come now, Holy Spirit, and take control
Hold me in Your loving arms and make me whole
Wipe away all doubt and fear and take my pride
Draw me to Your love and keep me by Your side

Give your life to Jesus, let Him fill your soul
Let Him take you in His arms and make you whole
As you give your life to Him He'll set you free
You will live and reign with Him eternally